What's the difference between voters, participants, files, and photos?
Our different plans differ not only in their functionality but mainly in their different limits of participants and files. Our PollUnit types are sometimes very different and it is difficult to find a wording that is correct for all types. Usually we talk about participants. Depending on the context, participants are voting participants or submitters. This FAQ post is intended to provide some clarity.
In the feature comparison, we have grouped the features and limits by their type.
If you create a voting »Participants per voting« describes the number of possible voters. If you've created a file voting, »Files per PollUnit« describes the maximum number of files allowed.
If you create a photo contest, »files per PollUnit« or »photos per contest« describes the number of possible submissions of photographers. »Voters per contest« describes the allowed number of voters.
If you create a table »Participants per table« describes the number of possible persons who can enter the table.
If you create an idea collection »Participants per idea collection« describes the allowed number of suggested ideas and voters.