"Nature's Dynamic Palette" Photo Show
Theme and Categories
A natural subject that highlights an aspect of ‘Nature’s Dynamic Palette.’
- Shadow & Light (interesting shadows and silhouettes, unique object lighting, sunlight rays, bokeh effect)
- Water & Reflection (lakes, raindrops, reflections in water, ice)
- Color & Contrast (scenes with vivid and contrasting colors, flower gardens or arrangements)
How to Enter
Any amateur photographer may enter the show.
- Entrants may submit up to three photos (one per category) as files (most common image file formats accepted).
- Photographs may be portrait or landscape orientation.
- Photographs may be enhanced using in-camera changes and post-production changes including cropping, filters, photo-editing, and dark room edits.
- The photo show will be curated; not all submissions will be selected for the exhibit.
- Entrants will be notified on Friday, February 21st, whether or not any of their photo(s) was selected for the exhibit.
- Submissions invited: Wednesday, January 29th through Wednesday, February 19th at 12pm.
For inquiries or tech challenges uploading your photos, please contact mlgardenclub@gmail.com.
- The show will be available for online viewing March 6-13th.
- On display in the Mountain Lakes High School lobby March 6-13th.
- Open for public viewing on Saturday March 8th from 12-7pm, and throughout the weekend for visitors attending the MLHS Theatre production of ‘Footloose.’
- Ribbons awarded in each category and for best youth entry.
- A ‘crowd favorite’ will be awarded by popular vote.
- Winners will be announced on Saturday, March 8th.
- Anyone may vote online for the ‘crowd favorite’; it is not necessary to visit the exhibit in-person to vote.
- Voting is open March 6-13th until 12pm.