Cast votes and rate options
Learn how to participate in group decisions with PollUnit and vote with or without an account.

In your PollUnit you get an overview of all participants and their votes. Private surveys, where the votes of the participants are secret until the poll is closed, are an exception.
With an basic setup you need to tell PollUnit who you are to participate in the group decision, voting or contest. To do this, simply start voting.

Vote with or without an account
There are two ways to identify yourself to PollUnit.
The simpler way is to vote as a guest. This means you do not need an account to participate in the group decision. Let us know your name and click on »Participate as guest«. After that you can vote without an user account.
Or you participate with your user account. Click on »Login« and enter your access data. If you do not have an account, you can also create a new account on the login page. A user account has many advantages. This includes, among other things, an overview of all your polls and surveys in which you have participated, notifications of votes of other participants and you can change your votes from different devices.

Cast your vote and decide
After you have identified yourself, your name appears in the list of all participants. In this row your voices are shown. Now you can assign your votes per option / column.
Depending on the vote type of the PollUnit you can cast your vote in different ways. The vote type is determined by the creator of the PollUnit. Here are different types of votes that are possible with PollUnit.
Yes / No
Voting with Yes, No and abstain. Negative votes are subtracted from positive votes.
Simple upvoting. Only positive votes are counted.
Upvote with like button
Simple voting by liking with thumb up symbol. With the target »Lowest resistance« the thumb up becomes a thumb down symbol.
Upvote with hearts
Simple voting with heart symbol. With the target »Lowest resistance« the heart becomes a broken heart.
Range voting
Participants can rate options with points from a given interval.
Ranked voting
Ranked voting is only possible in PollUnits with the type »survey«. Participants rate options by assigning them a personal order.
Star rating
Depending on the configuration, participants can rate options with 0-10 stars.
Dot Voting is a method to evaluate ideas and to prioritize selections and decisions in a group. And this is how it works:
- Each participant receives a fixed number of points
- Each participant distributes his points to the options
- The option with the most points wins
With the voting target »lowest resistance« you can flip the rating and the option wins with the least negative votes.
With the help of smileys the user can vote.
A voter has to decide which option is the best. In combination with our voting categories voters can choose a favorite per category. You should name your voting categories in superlative. For example: Most Creative, Funniest, Best Outfit ...
Matrix / Scale
Matrix votes are only possible in PollUnits with the type »survey«. Popular matrices / scales can be easily selected. In the following step you can add questions. These will be displayed in rows.