TCC 2022 September Photo Contest - Iceland
Members have submitted their photos and now it is your turn to rate every photo from 1 to 5 (5 being the best)! We recommend registering as this gives you the ability to freely sign in and out as you wish. So, how do you “vote” using Pollunit?
- Your email is required for participation. (Privacy laws are adhered to.)
- Once in, this is the main screen showing a summary of all photos.
- Click on the first photo you see to start a larger screen viewing.
- If you are ready to rate photos, use the sliding scale at the bottom of every photo.
- Once the grey number (set to 3) is illuminated red, your rating is captured. It can be changed at any time.
- Advance forward/backward using the arrow keys or the on-screen media buttons.
- Exit back to the main screen by clicking on “X” in the top right corner or press the "escape" key.
- Back on the main screen, located on any photo, click on the “information” icon (black circle with an “i”). This will highlight the photographer's name and story for every photo. Click again, and it will be hidden.
Difficulties? Be patient as it may take time to register each rating. But email if you are having problems and we will do our best to help.
Thank you for participating in the TCC Centurian's September photo contest. We hope you have fun with this.