Happy Birthday PollUnit UG

Dear PollUnit users,
we would like to inform you that our application PollUnit will be transferred to a new company. PollUnit will run in the future in our new company PollUnit UG (haftungsbeschränkt) and no longer in the Blutvoll Media Agentur UG (haftungsbeschränkt).
Basically nothing will change for you. Your contact persons and the whole team behind PollUnit remain unchanged. All previous services and contracts, which you have concluded with Blutvoll Media Agentur, will be taken over by PollUnit and will continue without interruption. PollUnit UG will take over the business from April 1, 2021.
For us, life will be a bit easier, we have to take care of less bureaucracy and thus have more time for new PollUnit features.
For questions we are of course gladly available.
Best regards
Your PollUnit Team
Published at: 2021-04-01 08:46 AM