Rate options and images in surveys

Within your online survey, you can now carry out several ratings. You can use the same voting types as in our votings. Our most popular voting types include star ratings, simple upvoting with hearts or thumbs, and dot voting.
This allows participants in your survey to prioritize and rate options. Options can be anything that can be expressed in text, as well as files, music, images and photos. You can upload your images directly to PollUnit and we will create a small preview and a high-resolution derivative for full-screen mode for each image. Products and designs can be presented to your customers and feedback can be gathered.
Options and images are optimized for desktop devices and mobile phones. Thus, participants can comfortably cast their votes and fill out the questionnaire from home on their computer and laptop or on the go with their mobile phone.
In the PollUnit real-time analysis you get all kinds of insights about votes cast and the performance of the individual options and images.
Published at: 2021-04-08 10:05 AM