Customizations for individual polls and photo contests

Today we are back with two new customization features. These give you the necessary tools to adjust the visual design of PollUnit to your company or your taste. This makes your PollUnit as individual as you and your brand.
With our new layout settings for photo contests, organizers can customize the display of the gallery and the individual images.
You can access the layout settings in the admin link by clicking on the pencil right above the images. You can define the width of the gallery and the format of the images. This includes automatic, square, portrait and landscape format.
If these settings don't go far enough, you can now create your own Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) in your themes.
CSS is a language that describes and determines the appearance of an HTML website. A Theme defines the look of your PollUnit. With the necessary technical know how you can also customize details. This includes colors, shapes, sizes of elements and fonts, hover effects and much more.
Published at: 2021-12-27 10:22 PM