Receive submission fees and donations with Stripe and PollUnit

Our PollMaker now allows you to link your Stripe account to PollUnit. This way you create a PollUnit wallet and you are able to seamlessly collect submission fees or donations from your attendees during the submission process.
This makes PollUnit your photo submission platform or fundraising campaign creator.
All you have to do is to go to the PollUnit Wallets section and link your existing Stripe account to PollUnit. If you have no Stripe account you can to register for Stripe through our page. Once you have created your PollUnit wallet you can easily use it in your photo contest or voting poll by selecting it in the advanced step. We allow two different types of payments: A predefined submission fee which is required to submit photos, ideas or whatever your voting is about. A donation allows attendees to donate any amount they want. You can also define a minimum donation amount.
Learn more in our PollUnit Wallet Tutorial.
Published at: 2023-02-07 10:47 AM