Change the participations of others as admin

Our current Poll Maker update is aimed at the creators of a schedulings, votings and tables, who maintain close contact with their participants. Here it happens that the administrator should be able to change data or votes on behalf of the participants. E.g. a commitment to a certain date should be withdrawn, a date has become free or an information should be changed.
Of course, these details can or should be changed by the participants themselves. This is also intended in the standard case. In case of a loss of access data or in case of guest participations that cannot be reactivated, i.e. participations without an account and without access to the device of the participation, this can be helpful.
So that this function cannot be misused to manipulate voting results, these changes are recorded in the activity log, participants (if possible) are informed by e-mail and changed participations are marked with a warning. Furthermore, a participation can only be changed if it is visible to everyone. Votes and participations within anonymous polls or polls with hidden participants can not be changed. Thus nothing stands in the way of a club vote or similar.
Published at: 2022-06-28 11:45 AM