Collect feature requests with progress indicator

With a PollUnit Idea Collection you can collect, manage, and prioritize feature requests. This ranked customer feedback helps you to make more informed product decisions and build better software, apps and websites.
To enable your customers to keep track of their feature requests we added progress states to each idea or request. Once you've collected enough votes, comments or your team decided that this feature improves your product and should be done you can change the state to »planned«. While developing this feature you switch the state to »In implementation« and finally to »done«. For requests that are not implemented there is the state »rejected«. In addition, you can specify a reason why the request will not be implemented.
This makes PollUnit your Feature Request Tool. But this is only where the decision making starts. For internal voting and evaluation, you can simply copy the collection of requests and pass it on to your team, e.g. as a vote. Or you create a questionnaire to find out more about individual feature requests.
Published at: 2022-07-19 07:41 PM