Evaluate surveys: visualize long text with word clouds

PollUnit allows you to create various field types in your questionnaire. The evaluation of field types with predefined answers like multiple and single choice, simple fields for selection but also number fields is very easy and PollUnit automatically creates a series of charts and statistics for you.
More complicated, however, is the evaluation of a questionnaire that allows participants to enter free text or entire paragraphs. This becomes more and more difficult, the more participants are generated. PollUnit helps you to evaluate these texts in real time.
Word clouds or keyword clouds help you with this. A word cloud is a method for information visualization and shows you at a glance, which words are specified particularly often. The individual words are displayed in different sizes. The larger a word, the more often it was mentioned. So-called »Stop Words«, general words that should have no meaning for your survey, are filtered out. From the sentence »This is an example« only the word »example« would be included in the word cloud. Also, redundancies and different forms of the same word are removed by reducing all words to their basic form (lemma). This process of normalizing word forms, also known as lemmatization, increases the expressiveness and comprehensibility of your word clouds.
Published at: 2023-03-21 01:28 PM