Create surveys and publish results

If you create a questionnaire with PollUnit, the results are only visible for administrators by default. But there are some cases where it makes sense to publish these results. Therefore you as the organizer can decide if results should be published.
The publication of survey results creates transparency. Scientific survey results can be checked and understood by other scientists. If you use a questionnaire for decision making or as a kind of vote, the publishing the results makes your survey more trustworthy. But also in public discourse you increase the credibility of your survey and allow insights into opinions and perspectives of the participants.
To publish the results automatically, you have to check the option »Publish survey results« in the »Advanced« step when using the survey maker. This allows every participant to see the results after filling out the questionnaire. You can change this option at any time by editing your survey. You can also publish the results when you close your survey.
Please keep in mind that published results should usually not contain personal data like addresses, names or even payment data!
Published at: 2022-12-22 08:07 PM