Custom matrices for surveys with predefined response options

In a matrix question, participants are asked to rate opinions on certain topics or statements on scales. These scales can be simple numbers from e.g. 1 to 5 or texts. The predefined scales allow the participants of the survey to enter their answers quickly and easily by selecting the answer. But also the evaluation of surveys is facilitated in this way. Matrices are especially popular for employee surveys and customer satisfaction surveys.
PollUnit offers the creators of surveys some popular scales to choose from. These include scales for measuring satisfaction, importance, probability and many more. How exactly a scale should look like can also depend on your own preferences and goals. This includes own answers and texts but also the decision if a scale should allow a draw. For example, with a scale from 1 to 4, there is no »middle« - with a scale from 1 to 5 there is.
To cover all needs, there is now the possibility to create your own scales. To do this, you as the creator must click on the plus symbol in a matrix or Likert scale question. Thereupon you can define your scale. Your user-defined scales will then also be offered to you as a template for selection in new questionnaires.
Published at: 2023-01-17 12:50 PM