Simplify import and export of email contacts in PollUnit

In today's world, it is essential for companies and organizations to interact with their contacts in an efficient and time-saving way. PollUnit, as a platform for surveys and polls, has therefore introduced a new import and export function for email contacts. This feature provides the ability to seamlessly integrate contacts into PollUnit groups and effectively manage them from there.
A PollUnit group is a list of emails that can be used to invite people to your polls, surveys, contests etc. Perfect for recurring events and teams.
Instead of tediously adding individual contacts manually, an Excel file can be uploaded to import your contacts directly. This automated process saves time and minimizes errors when adding contacts.
The export function allows you to export your PollUnit contacts in various formats for use in other applications or systems. Groups can be exported as CSV and Excel files. This flexibility opens a wide range of possibilities to manage your contacts across different platforms.
Published at: 2023-06-13 08:45 AM