Let survey participants draw on images

In the world of research and data collection, the ability to create surveys that are versatile and adaptable to various needs is crucial. We are proud to introduce an exciting new feature that allows respondents to draw on images within a survey. This feature opens up a world of possibilities for researchers, educators, and professionals in various fields.
A Use Case: The Quest for Cognitive Assessment
Imagine a scenario where you are conducting a study that involves cognitive assessments. One of the most reliable self-administered assessments for detecting mild cognitive impairment is the Self Administered Gerocognitive Examination (SAGE). However, the SAGE test is traditionally paper-and-pen-based, making it challenging to administer online.
The SAGE test includes various elements such as identifying and naming pictured objects, copying images by drawing them, and freehand drawing after specific instructions. This is where PollUnit's new feature comes into play. It allows participants to draw on images, making it easier to conduct these assessments online.
The introduction of PollUnit's image drawing feature not only serves this specific use case but also opens up opportunities for professionals in various domains. Healthcare professionals, educators, market researchers and more can now harness the power of visual data collection in their surveys.
Published at: 2023-10-24 10:38 PM