Surveys and forms with flexible field layout

With our new flexible field layout, we now offer a powerful solution for designing forms and surveys. It enhances user experience, improves data entry efficiency, and ensures a visually appealing design.
Flexible Field Layout – What Does It Mean?
With PollUnit, forms and input fields can now be arranged flexibly and individually. This feature allows for the placement and size of fields to be tailored precisely to the needs of your form. It is particularly useful for designing address forms, where fields like postal code or city require a logical and intuitive layout.
Using the context menu (three dots) for each field, you can set the width individually. PollUnit will then automatically arrange the fields in the most optimal way. For instance, two fields with 50% width can be placed side by side effortlessly.
Why Is a Flexible Field Layout Important?
A flexible field layout offers numerous advantages, boosting both user-friendliness and the efficiency of data entry.
Arranging fields in a well-structured manner allows users to input information more easily and quickly. This reduces confusion and ensures that users intuitively understand where to enter specific information. As a result, efficiency increases and form completion rates improve. Additionally, a clean and visually appealing design not only makes forms easier to understand but also gives them a more professional look.
Try it out today! The layout features are also available in our free plans.
Published at: 2024-11-06 02:35 PM