Integrate surveys and polls on your own website

Today we released our new feature »Embed PollUnit«. Now our premium members can integrate their surveys on their own website.
With an embedded poll, every visitor to your website can participate directly and easily in your PollUnit.
Whether you want to embed your poll or votings in Wordpress, Joomla, Tumblr, Drupal or other web technologies: embedding PollUnits is possible without advanced programming skills. By clicking on »Embedding« in the context menu of your PollUnit a short manual and a code snippet appears. If the code snippet has been inserted on your website, your visitors have the possibility to vote directly on your website.
You can configure your polls as usual, allow participants to vote without registration and create their own themes to adapt the poll to the design of your website.
If the website is optimized for mobile devices and the PollUnit is embedded correctly, PollUnit automatically adapts to the resolution of mobile phones and tablets.
Learn more in ourTutorial »Integrate polls on your own website«.
Published at: 2018-07-10 11:48 AM