Polls with Data Processing Addendum (GDPR)

As a team of developers who want to provide you with a perfect voting tool, we are probably more effective at developing new features than at writing complex legal texts. So, despite frequent requests, it took a little longer.
But now it's time: we can offer you an data processing addendum based on the GDPR for voting and surveys according to data protection regulations.
Whether with or without a contract - at PollUnit your data is safe. We are not an evil data leech; we do not pass on personal data for enrichment. Only with our ISO 27001 certified server providers and payment and error analysis service we share the minimum data necessary to provide a stable service. We finance ourselves 100% through non-personalized advertising and our paid plans. You can find more information in our privacy policy and in the Data Processing Addendum in your account settings.
PollUnit is a tool for consultation and collaboration. The contents and contact information of your PollUnit can therefore be shared among the participants who have access to your PollUnit. Which information is made accessible can be determined by the creator (i.e. our contractual partner) himself in the settings of the respective PollUnit. What kind of data you collect or which contents and information you share with your team or participants is your responsibility. You can also deposit your own imprint and inform your participants about the nature and purpose of the PollUnit and thus conduct a legally compliant online poll.
In order to conclude the data processing addendum, you need a PollUnit Business account. Once you have registered, you will find the addendum at »My Account«, as well as an online form with which you can conclude the addendum.
Did you already know? You can also create Peer-to-Peer encrypted PollUnits.
Published at: 2019-06-27 10:57 PM