Does PollUnit get usage rights on the uploaded photos? What happens with the pictures after the competition?
No, PollUnit does not receive any rights of use for the photos! We are a service provider for photo contests. Therefore we only act on behalf of our customers or provide functions with which our customers can manage content independently. We will never use pictures for our own purposes, share them without permission, sell them etc.
If you want the right to use the submitted photos, you can create your own terms and conditions and inform your participants about it.
If you delete your photo contest, we will mark it as deleted for a period of time before we actually destroy the data irretrievably. This is done because it sometimes happens that users delete a PollUnit by mistake and so we can still help. To delete a PollUnit you need to click the context menu of your PollUnit as admin.
If the photo contests should be deleted immediately, we can do this on instruction.
However, our system does not protect the photos against downloads of preview data / screenshots / photographing the screen and the like. If you want to protect the pictures from your own participants, we recommend to put a watermark on the pictures.
We also offer a Data Protection Addendum (GDPR) for our business users.
More about running photo contests.