We are running a photo contest with dot voting and anonymous entry/voting.
When the competition ends, as an Admin, I want to be able to see which photo won the most votes and who submitted it. Currently this information is distributed across the 'Summary' and 'Images' tabs of the Evaluation page. I have to look at the picture/name and then match it up with the image to find the winning entrant.
I think it's just a case of replacing the 'vote count' column in the 'Images' page for a dot vote total (and the ability to order by dot vote count, preferably)
Or the Summary page could just include the entrant name along with the photo title
Hi Steve,
you are right!
We are going to add it to the images section, because users might want to see all submitter information at the same time with the rating.
Thanks for the feedback!
We will let you know when it is done.
Kind regards
HI Steve,
we added the rating to the evaluation in the images section.
Kind regards
Perfect, thanks for the quick response!
Dot voting is unclear how to setup. But once a poll is switched to dot voting, you can not change it back. Why not? Now all the participants are supposed to know that they have 9 dots to spread out over 15 images? And I can not change it.
We have a tutorial about dot voting: https://pollunit.com/en/tutorials/dot_voting
You can change the voting type as long as nobody voted. The different vote types are not compatible with each other. The system can only compare the same vote types.
You could delete all participants to make this change.
If you think that your voters need more information you can add an explanation to the description.
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