Hello, I have a photo contest where people are voting for superlatives, but one of my users votes is "0". The user has confirmed they were trying to vote for the photo in question. Is there any way to correct or edit this? Their vote would be the tiebreaker so it's important to have it counted. Thank you.
If a user casts a vote and then removes it, the vote count will show as "0." It seems likely that the user clicked the vote button again after their initial vote, which removed the vote. If the user votes again, the "0" will change back to "1".
It is not working for me either. It’s casting the vote at all!
I don’t think this is related to this topic. Could you clarify which type of PollUnit you are using and what settings you have configured? Feel free to share this information and the admin link with us at support@pollunit.com.