Hi, we are about to run a photo contest. In testing, we have found some uploaded images do not display in the lightbox/carousel. They also do not appear in the evaluation/summary even though they are listed and can be downloaded. Please advise, thanks.
Thank you for reporting this. Recently our storage provider sometimes rejected uploads. We implemented now an automatic retry and if it still fails the uploading user sees a notice. Also before the fix, the partially saved image was still there. We think it is better to have the completely uploaded image or none (with the corresponding error message for the user).
This should solve the issue, but if you encounter something odd, please let us know.
Kind regards
I am experiencing the same problem. The file appears to upload correctly but does not display.
Update, it seems to work when adding one by one, but not the bulk upload..
Hi Jenny,
thank you for reporting this. I'll let you know when we have a fix or more info about this issue.
Best regards
We have released an update which should fix this issue and make errors of this kind more trackable for us.
I'm having a similar problem, I can see the images once uploaded in building the contest, but once opened as a participant the images are black and the comment box is hovering over most of them. It does not move down when I scroll down.
Forgot to add that this only seems to happen when I open on Google Chrome or Internet Explorer on my work laptop, but not when opened on Chrome on my home computer.
Hello Ashley,
can you send me the exact browser version and maybe a screenshot to markus@pollunit.com? But it sounds like it has something to do with your company network.
The error described here should not occur anymore.