Harold Brothers_1
I am unable to check off the button to restrict voting to once per
I am unable to check off the button to restrict voting to once per
Are you attempting to uncheck the »Voting is allowed for one option only« checkbox? Once your PollUnit has received votes, certain settings become uneditable. However, you have the option to delete all voters, which should enable you to modify this setting again.
Voting hasn't started yet. I am trying to select the "allow only one participation"
You should always be able to choose this option. Could you share the admin link with us? Please send it to support@pollunit.com (do not post it in the public forum). Then we can have a closer look. Also provide some information of your setup (Browser, OS Version).
Thank you for providing the link. It appears to be a display issue. The option you desire is selected in the backend. However, your theme utilizes custom colors, and you have chosen white as the highlight color. Consequently, this results in all button backgrounds and the selection color of certain interface elements being white as well. This doesn't work seamlessly on a white background.
Nevertheless, we still allow users to opt for white as their highlight color because it can be effective in some instances, especially when used in conjunction with custom CSS.
If you want to keep white as highlight color, you may want to change it while your in the setup process and change it back when your ready to publish.