Is it possible to set up a poll such that participants can vote yes/no, offer new ideas, and have a comment thread on each individual idea? For some reason it seems that some of these are mutually exclusive. E.g., if I do a voting type poll, comments are not allowed per individual idea. If I do a Survey type, yes/no voting is not an option. Etc.
Hi Amir,
Did you have a look at our idea collection type? This feature has a simple Upvote for each idea and allows comments per idea.
Kind regards
I did, but I am interested in also having a downvote option on ideas. There are some cases where you want to understand how "controversial" an idea is, and without the ratio of upvotes to downvotes it is not possible to do so. Would be great if Idea Collection didn't preclude the this option.
What I am basically looking for is a tool that
- Crowdsources ideas from the employees
- Let's a discussion happen to vet the idea further
- Let's users vote up/down on the ideas to get a sense of the merit and controversial nature of each idea.
So I'm looking for combination of Type/Settings that will support the above creative process to take place within our company.
Ok, Thank you for the feedback. We are going to discuss this, how this could be solved.
Kind regards
Feature release: You now can choose between various voting methods. There is also a Yes/No voting option.
Wow- very nice. Super-quick turnaround.
Very small nit: would it be hard to give the option for the UI to show thumb-up/thumb-down instead of check-mark and X? The thumbs notation is more familiar to our employees, as they are accustomed to interacting with that on social media all the time. It also psychologically is lighter-weight and less formal which encourages more participation. This is just a minor suggestion that can make the tool more modern/inviting. I really appreciate your super-quick turnaround on the functionality aspect.
Hi Amir,
Thanks again for the feedback. This is an interesting idea to have the icons of "Yes / No" to be configurable. We are going to discuss how and if this can be realised.
Kind regards
Awesome. Thanks for looking into it!
Feature release: We've added a new voting type to all votable PollUnits including idea collections. You can now choose Like / Dislike as voting type. Hope this helps!