last year photos that were uploaded in some of our contests were cropped during the upload process. this altered the composition of several of the phots significantly.
I notice on one of the FAQ screens it references the image size and file size in regards to the ability to create a certain size print of the image in 3:2 ratio. In order to avoid unwanted image alterations, should I advise participants to edit images prior to submission in regard to aspect ratio? If so, is 3:2 the standard that is being utilized be poll unit?
thanks for your help.
Hello Michelle,
PollUnit does not crop images. We always use the original image canvas and aspect ration for image derivatives by default. You can enforce a specific display size of the images in the overview by clicking the pen symbol in the upper right corner of your images. Here you can also set images to fill the complete space of one »image box« which would lead to crop the image if it does not fit. But this is not a default setting. If you set up your photo contest like this, it will not affect the single image view, here images will never be cropped.
Another idea which comes to my mind is that image formats exist where the image data can be outside of the image canvas. This is more common for vector graphics but theoretically this could have happened.
If you send a admin link to we could have a closer look.
I hope this information helps you!