I have made photo contest, and checked Collect URL parameters.
Also added allow keys: id, mail, order.
But when testing with incognito url with i.e. ?order=12333
Then i can see the parameters in the Admin for the uploaded pictures i did in incognito.
What am I missing?
I do not really understand, incognito mode does not remove URL parameters. Please describe in more detail what you want to do.
For a photo contest -> advanced -> Collect URL parameters
I have filled in "allowed keys" and I'm sending order information to the poll.
But where do I see the URL parameters for each participant, when they upload an image?
Currently, our URL Parameters feature only collects parameters from voters. This is because it was originally designed for our surveys. However, I see potential for this feature to benefit uploaders as well. I'll discuss this and update you when we have more information.
Thank you. We are making photo contest for customers. And want to send the order ID, to be able to contact the right customer :)
Feature release: Our latest update allows you now to store URL parameters with voters as well as with the uploaded images (or videos, audio files, …). Read more in our release notification »Enhance photo and video uploads with URL parameters«.
If you have already defined URL parameters in your Photo Contest, no further action is required. Once the allowed URL parameters are present, we automatically store them with the voters and submissions.