How do I delete a photo from a photo contest? Can a participant delete a photo they have submitted?
How do I delete a photo from a photo contest? Can a participant delete a photo they have submitted?
Okay, so I figured it out! Thanks, anyway!
Reopening this question. I see that the Admin can delete any photos, yet I don't see how to delete my own photos in the Participant view. Is it possible for photographers to delete their own photos if they want to submit a better one instead?
I'm assuming that deleting a photo and re-entering a corrected one is the only way for a photographer to edit a photo once it's submitted, is that correct? So if they leave out the category of the photo in the "Subtitle" field we're using to capture categories, for example, the only way to have it corrected is through the Admin view? They would have to contact the Admin person and ask to have it changed or to have the photo deleted, is that correct?
As long as there are no votes on the photo, photographers can edit and delete their photos. This is done to avoid fraud.
In order to be able to edit own photos, we need to recognize the photographer. This only works as long as the photographer does not change sessions/computers or has a PollUnit account.
I had temporarily turned off the "Photographer must be provided" function, but have turned it back on. Some photos were submitted when it was off; some when it was on. Of course, the photographer doesn't show up on the ones added while that function was turned off.
Still… When I log in as Participant and view the photos I submitted when the Photographer function was on, I don't see a way to edit or delete them.
Are you saying this can only be done during the original session?
Deleting and editing of photos have nothing to do with the "Photographer must be provided" setting.
As long as an image did not receive votes the uploader can edit and delete the own images. If the uploader is using a PollUnit account we can identify the uploader from any device at any time. If the uploader participates without an account, we can identify him or her as long as the original session is available.
By "as long as the original session is available" do you mean as long as the uploader has not closed out his session? I tried uploading a new photo from a different browser. As long as I didn't close the browser, I could go back and edit or delete the photo. After I closed the browser and linked back in, I could no longer edit or delete that photo. In real life, photographers are likely to close out their original session after uploading photos and might then want to go back in later and edit or delete one or more. This is especially true since we're limiting the number of photos they can enter. What if they later take a great shot they want to include but have already entered their limit?
If a browser is set to delete the session upon exit, we no longer have the ability to identify the user. We have no control over the browser settings of the participants.
You could allow access only for participants with PollUnit account.
Is this true even for those who have an invitation? Their email address is in the invitation list.
Yes. You need a PollUnit account for this use case.
I guess the workaround is that the photographer who wants to change an entry can contact Admin to do it for them. That's possible with the small number of entrants we expect. <40
Yes, admins can do that.