Hello, I cannot get the code to work on my site.
"To protect your PollUnit, we need the host of your website. Through the host we can whitelist PollUnit for your website. Your website requires a valid SSL certificate."
The host would be www.wix.com? My website is https://www.modumfotoklubb.com/ Does https mean it is SSL?
What am i missing? :-) Thanks any help.
Yes, https stands for »Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure« and is a combination of HTTP and SSL.
For integrating a photo contest on a WIX website please read this FAQ article: https://pollunit.com/en/questions/32/how-can-i-integrate-pollunit-into-wix
If this ist not helping, please let me know!
Thanks Markus. I have added www-wix-com.filesusr.com but still does not work. Have also tried www.wix.com.filesusr.com . Can you write the exact text so i can copy paste? I guess Wix is correct and that it should not be modumfotoklubb.no which is my domain. (I tried that as well) Thanks your attention.
Since I can't see the embedded version, this is just a guess.
You need to allowlist your website address. Your website is the first frame. WIX then wraps the PollUnit iFrame in another iFrame. This is the second frame. WIX creates from your address a URL safe subdomain on the address filesusr.com.
So in your case you should be allowlist »www.modumfotoklubb.com
« (first frame) and »www-modumfotoklubb-com.filesusr.com
« (second frame) to make the photo contest available on WIX.
If this is not working you could open the web console (in chrome: right click in the browser > »Inspect«). Now you see all html elements. Here you can see how WIX is wrapping up the contents.