If I create a poll and send out a mail with the participant link, can I then assume that only the people who have in some way received the participant link have access? (Ie Can someone else find the poll / link and view any of the material or even participate?)
I understand that with premium you can set a password, but this would be an extra step for all participants and I cannot understand if sending a mail with the partisipant link and a password increase the security in any way with regards to stopping "not designated" participants from viewing contents.
Thank you!
Hi Mikael,
By default the participant link is not listed anywhere and the hash in the URL is unguessable by users if they have not received an invitation to it. In the share settings you can enable your poll to be crawled and listed by bots like google, but this is also disabled by default.
Kind regards
I just want to add why a password is useful after all. When a user visits a link, it might be saved in the browser history. Bad actors could search specifically in the browsing history. Please read this article to ensure more security: https://pollunit.com/en/tutorials/prevent_multiple_participation
Great, Thank you Philipp and Markus!