I have a Premium account, which allows up to 50mb uploads and no longer warns that it will compress images.
However, when I have the Photo Contest entries displayed in 'Single Column', they are extremely distorted by compression - these previews clearly aren't using the full resolution files as uploaded.
How do I get the photo contest entries to show at their full resolution?
Hi Miranda,
Thank you for reporting this!
We need to create derivatives of the original images, because it would not be feasible if people upload 20MB images, they would need to be delivered to every user with maybe a bad mobile internet connection.
However it looks like in the single column case, the wrong image is served and it should be one with a better quality. We will come back to you, once we have a fix.
Kind regards
Hi Miranda,
now you should see an image with better quality in the single column mode.
Kind regards
Wow, very quick service, and the photos look great now! Thank you very much.