Darty Hines
We want to have an Instagram Reels contest, but I am not seeing any way to add videos. I noticed the Video Poll only allows for YouTube or Vimeo. Is there any work around to allow IG Reels to be uploaded?
We want to have an Instagram Reels contest, but I am not seeing any way to add videos. I noticed the Video Poll only allows for YouTube or Vimeo. Is there any work around to allow IG Reels to be uploaded?
We currently working on a Video Contest feature. I will keep you posted here when we have updates on this topic. At the moment only YouTube and Vimeo videos can be added to our beta Video Contests.
I was hoping I was missing it because our event is next weekend… but that is great news. Happy to hear it is coming soon.
How do you use YouTube videos on PollUnit? I am interested in that
In our current beta video contest you can link existing YouTube and Vimeo videos. Those videos can be displayed in our contest and be rated like in our other poll types. You can create one following these steps:
You can use all basic functionality for free. So I would suggest you try it :)
Hi Patrick,
It is now possible to create video contests, where users or the admin can upload the videos themselves instead of linking videos from youtube or vimeo.
You can checkout our announcing blog post: https://pollunit.com/posts/176/create-video-contests
Kind regards
Dear Philipp & Markus,
I have a problem with the "Video contest" feature. In my contests, participant cannot add videos, even if "Allow new videos" is enabled. Only admin can add videos. The participants are allowed to select their mp4 file, to give a title for that file, but when hitting "Save", the following message "File is uploaded …" remains displayed permanently on the screen. The same file, an admin can upload it.
Hi Marius,
Thank you very much for reporting this!
The options required an author name for the participants, but the field was not visible.
It should be fixed now.
Kind regards
Dear Philipp,
Thank you for your quick response!
Now the option "Creator must be provided" is visible in Advanced options of the contest and the "Add video" feature is working even for the participants.
Thank you again!
Is it possible to create a poll for videos and pictures in the same poll?
at the moment it is not possible to mix media in contests. We have planned this in the future and will let you know here, when we have an update.
Kind regards