In all of your marketing pages about voting ranked voting is mentioned:
Ranked voting
Participants rate options by assigning them a personal order.
But I can't find this anywhere in the settings for votes. What am I missing? Or has this feature been withdrawn?
Hi Rose,
The ranked voting feature is only available in our surveys. You can create A "Rating" step, and there you can select "Ranked voting" as voting type. Then the participants can create a ranking of the available options.
Kind regards
Great, thank you! I suggest that it would be worth mentioning this in the vote type help panel, in the same way that you do for "Matrix / Scale":
Matrix / Scale
Matrix votes are only possible in PollUnits with the type »survey«. Popular matrices / scales can be easily selected. In the following step you can add questions. These will be displayed in rows.
You are right! We are going to update our guide.