Opt-in, double opt-in, privacy policies, terms and conditions
We start by saying that we are a service provider and you as creator determine which data must be indicated in your PollUnits. This can be anything from absolutely anonymous to any personal data. If the latter applies in your case, we now make it even easier for you to create GDPR-compliant photo competitions, brainstorming sessions, tables and votings.
If you collect or process personal data, the person concerned must be informed. Data is personal if it can be clearly assigned to a specific natural person. This includes information such as name, address, e-mail, telephone number, etc. .
You should also determine the legal scope for your event. This is important, for example, when it comes to the rights of use of uploaded photos.
You can now enter your own terms and conditions and privacy policies. This information can be accessed directly in your PollUnit via link. It is also possible to have the terms as well as the privacy policies explicitly confirmed by Opt-In before participation. If the participant does not check the checkbox, he cannot continue.
Depending on the collected personal data, opt-in may not be sufficient. For such a case we have implemented a Double-Opt-In procedure. Here the participant must additionally agree in a subsequent confirmation e-mail.
This is useful, for example, if consent to the use of the e-mail address is requested - as in the case of a newsletter registration. Without the consent in the confirmation e-mail, it cannot be proven whether a third person has registered with the e-mail address. So in case of a dispute you are always on the safe side with a Double-Opt-In!
Published at: 2020-02-19 10:30 AM