Automatically assign tasks according to personal preferences

Distributing tasks is not always easy. Personal preferences as well as the mixture of unpleasant and pleasant tasks often make it difficult to decide who will take on what task.
PollUnit takes this decision from you, but also considers the priorities of your participants. Try the online tool and easily distribute your tasks. You proceed as follows:
You create a new PollUnit with the target 'Optima distribution of options'. Choose Starrating or Dot-Voting as the voting type. With the type Dot-Voting you can also limit the total number of votes per person. In step 4, you usually switch the participants' votes to hidden. So no one can see, who prefers which task. Now all participants can prioritize the tasks they would like to do.
After the PollUnit has expired or when you close your poll, the system distributes the tasks so that as many preferences as possible are taken into account.
Published at: 2017-06-18 07:11 PM