Receive fees and donations from voters

Recently we announced a feature to collect Submission fees and donations from your audience. Today we are happy to introduce a new feature that will help you monetize your PollUnit vote.
The ability to charge fees to voters allows voting poll and photo contest creators to receive a financial benefit from their work. In addition, an optional donation can also be requested. In particular, non-profit organizations that rely on donations can thus ask their voters for financial support.
You can also sell votes. That sounds strange for a voting platform that is all about fair elections and competitions? Yes, we thought so too at first. But unlike a legally secure and fair election, this is about giving an advantage to people who buy multiple votes. Huh? Now that's even unfair and undermines the integrity and legitimacy of the election process! Yes, but: this type of voting is especially used by non-profit organizations. Their contests are designed to generate funds for their projects. Unlike a donation, voting people here can deposit as much money as they want to buy votes. They can give these purchased votes to their favorite or to themselves. So here the goal is not a fair election and the winner is not necessarily the one with the most beautiful photo, but the one who mobilizes the most supporters.
Published at: 2023-04-12 12:19 PM