Plan bachelor party online

To plan and prepare a bachelor party many discussions are necessary. Many questions have to be asked, partly to large groups.
PollUnit's online group decision tool will help you. Plan, collect ideas and let your participants rate the options - without an account. Here are a few typical questions that you can answer with PollUnit and your friends:
Who's joining?
So that you can continue planning, ask all participants of the bachelor party how much they are willing to spend. With a simple yes / no PollUnit and a few suggestions from you, you can easily find out.
Where is it going?
The planning of the location: Create a PollUnit and collect with all participants ideas where the bachelor party should take place. Then you can rate the ideas in the group. We recommend our star rating.
When do we celebrate?
Find together a date or the period when the bachelor party should take place. You can allow the participants to make their own suggestions.
Which activities are we planning?
Games, going for dinner, poledance, casino, a hiking day, etc. - Again, you can use PollUnit to collect your ideas, rate them and make a group decision.
And finally...
Distribute tasks!
Create a to-do list and distribute tasks. All participants can evaluate the tasks and PollUnit assigns the tasks according to the preferences of the participants.
New to PollUnit? Learn how to make group decisions online in our tutorial.
Published at: 2018-01-23 12:00 AM