Present and vote - online surveys for designers, agencies and their clients

As a designer or agency, it is part of everyday life to coordinate and evaluate graphic work with customers. Often several decision-makers have to be involved. This makes a joint assessment of the work difficult.
PollUnit is an ideal tool to speed up the evaluation and reconciliation process.
A small example: You want to present your logos to different customers and let them vote which logo is best.
To do this, create a PollUnit with the "Image" type. In order to make an rating possible, you select "star rating" or "dot-voting" as voting type. Upload your logos and share your PollUnit with your customers. Check out our Tutorial to create polls to rate your images.
Now your customers can see your work and rate it in a Lightbox.
You also have the option to hide the ratings of your participants. This prevents you from influencing your customers. At the end of the vote, the hidden votes are displayed and an evaluation is made possible.
An optional password and a full SSL encryption provide additional protection.
Your customers also can leave feedback in the comments.
Published at: 2017-06-07 06:43 PM