Simplification of the computation of star ratings

We have simplified the calculation of our star ratings. The old PollUnits are not affected by this change. For all new votings and photo contests, the option or picture with the highest average rating wins!
What will change in concrete terms? Previously the average was formed considering all voters. If a participant did not vote for an option at all, this was equivalent to a vote with 0 stars. If an option has only ratings with 5 stars but significantly more voters, the rating was significantly lower than 5 stars. This is now changing!
With the new star ratings, the average is now only formed by the votes for this option. In extreme cases, this means that an option with a 5 star rating will be rated better than one with thousands and a lower rating. If one option has the same average as another, the one with more votes wins.
With this we align the star rating with the well-known rating systems of various online shops and rating portals.
You do not like this change? Please give us feedback!
PollUnit offers you beside star ratings also other types of voting. This includes simple upvoting, likening, loving, systemic consensus and dot voting. With votes of this kind, the sum of the positive votes counts, not the average.
Published at: 2020-04-23 06:05 AM