Susan Garrett
A lot of our users are having this issue where their systems get locked after selecting the first dot. Please have a look at this video and suggest a solution for this. Our Voting is Live at the moment. [Link Removed]
A lot of our users are having this issue where their systems get locked after selecting the first dot. Please have a look at this video and suggest a solution for this. Our Voting is Live at the moment. [Link Removed]
To help us investigate this bug, could you please send the admin link for the poll and the link to the webpage where PollUnit is embedded to Please avoid posting these links in our public forum.
It's possible this issue might be related to Apple's IP obfuscation. Are you currently using IP security checks? If so, you could try switching to a different security setting to see if that resolves the problem.
Link removed, I'll send the details at
We need to use the IP security check as part of our SOPs, we can't use other options, thats the one required.
I have the same issue
Can you also send the link to