Add Multi-language ?
Philipp Großelfinger3
Set voter's email as mandatory field
Cristina Antonescu2
Markus Huber3
Contest and random draw
Yohann LIBOT2
bulk import excel file
Philipp Großelfinger5
add participants
Can participants, show, edit or delete files in a photo contest?
Amy Johnson5
Enable uploading images! or custom themes
Markus Huber6
Custom Color
Markus Huber2
Each option can be ranked but 2 options cannot received the same ranking?
Philipp Großelfinger7
Limit Votes per Participant
Bill Shaw5
custom thumbnail when sharing
Philipp Großelfinger2
Email is listed instead of name
Markus Huber5
Pinch to zoom on mobile (iOS)
Lubo Sykora2
Abstain (Enthaltung) Option
Markus Huber2
Public URL for non-participants?
Philipp Großelfinger2
Poll for date and time misses end-time alternative
Philipp Großelfinger2
Cumulative voting PER user?
Philipp Großelfinger3
Surveys: Ability to design single-page layout
Markus Huber4
Gathering new ideas- default view random ideas
Philipp Großelfinger3
Multiple Administrator Logins
Preventing participants from editing or deleting?
Markus Huber3
Is it possible to white label the domain used via CNAME record or other method?
Studio Z7
Photo upload
Philipp Großelfinger4
Problem with Star voting (and range?) Not voting = 0 stars.
Markus Huber2
Vote type: add the option to supply a custom icon
Philipp Großelfinger7
Show author of an added option
Philipp Großelfinger2
PhotoComp - don't cover the pictures!
Philipp Großelfinger2
Specify a start date for the Poll
Philipp Großelfinger3
Limit the amount of added Options per user
Philipp Großelfinger10
How to avoid people to add more than one picture
Philipp Großelfinger6
Photo Contest - automatically page through all images when in "large image" view
Jeff Huth4
How to hide names of voters at the end of a photo contest
Philipp Großelfinger3
Unselecting a Dot Vote
Jeff Huth3
Allow comment without any registration, nor login
Philipp Großelfinger3
Hide the share button
Markus Huber5
Prevent multiple votes by the same person
Markus Huber3
Change the number of dots allotted per voter after the poll has gone live?
Markus Huber3