Custom matrices for surveys with predefined response options

In a matrix question, participants are asked to rate opinions on certain topics or statements on scales. These scales can be simple numbers from e.g. 1 to 5 or texts. The predefined scales allow the participants of the survey to enter their answers quickly and easily by selecting the answer. But also the evaluation of surveys is facilitated in this way. Matrices are especially popular for employee surveys and customer satisfaction surveys.
PollUnit offers the creators of surveys some popular scales to choose from. These include scales for measuring satisfaction, importance, probability and many more. How exactly a scale should look like can also depend on your own preferences and goals. This includes own answers and texts but also the decision if a scale should allow a draw. For example, with a scale from 1 to 4, there is no »middle« - with a scale from 1 to 5 there is.
To cover all needs, there is now the possibility to create your own scales. To do this, you as the creator must click on the plus symbol in a matrix or Likert scale question. Thereupon you can define your scale. Your user-defined scales will then also be offered to you as a template for selection in new questionnaires.
Published at: 2023-01-17 12:50 PM
Custom matrices for surveys...Create online surveys with question branching
Have you ever created a survey only to realize that you need to ask different questions depending on the respondent's previous answers? If so, we are happy to introduce you to our advanced branching logic.
The PollUnit branching logic allows you to create engaging surveys, customized to each respondent. Each questionnaire changes according to the answers to your questions. You can skip unnecessary questions, show special questions to a specific target audience or forward participants who do not fulfill the requirements to the thank you page. This way you create a unique experience, rather than a one-size-fits-all survey. Furthermore this help you to collect more accurate and relevant data.
How it works in a nutshell: PollUnit allows to create filters. You can apply multiple criteria to these filters. For example »Participants with the age of at least 21«. Each filter or participant group can be assigned to a logic. For example a skipping logic. You can simply reuse your filter in follow up steps of your questionnaire.
If you want to learn more about the benefits of survey branching and how to create the necessary conditions visit our survey branching logic tutorial. Visit our create surveys information page for a general overview about the PollUnit survey features.
By the way, survey branching is available free of charge for all our accounts!
Published at: 2022-12-28 11:33 AM
Create online surveys with ...
Create surveys and publish results

If you create a questionnaire with PollUnit, the results are only visible for administrators by default. But there are some cases where it makes sense to publish these results. Therefore you as the organizer can decide if results should be published.
The publication of survey results creates transparency. Scientific survey results can be checked and understood by other scientists. If you use a questionnaire for decision making or as a kind of vote, the publishing the results makes your survey more trustworthy. But also in public discourse you increase the credibility of your survey and allow insights into opinions and perspectives of the participants.
To publish the results automatically, you have to check the option »Publish survey results« in the »Advanced« step when using the survey maker. This allows every participant to see the results after filling out the questionnaire. You can change this option at any time by editing your survey. You can also publish the results when you close your survey.
Please keep in mind that published results should usually not contain personal data like addresses, names or even payment data!
Published at: 2022-12-22 08:07 PM
Create surveys and publish ...Tagging Responses to better understand the results
Tagging is the process of marking content with additional information and colors. So-called Tags can be used to highlight certain aspects of a response to better understand the results.
Our latest update allows you to apply our tags to almost all objects. This now includes comments, replies and responders.
Tagging or marking answers that are considered particularly important or relevant for the evaluation is an important component in the manual analysis of a survey. Answers that are clearly more positive or negative than others are marked. This allows you to access the answers later more quickly and easily and to include them specifically in the evaluation.
But also the tagging of certain population groups is possible and makes it easier for you to understand the results and to evaluate them specifically. You can also use tags to quickly filter for relevant participants.
Published at: 2022-12-22 04:25 PM
Tagging Responses to better...
Voting with private comments

Today we want to share a discussion we had with Michael O'Byrne who uses PollUnit for judging images. Particularly important in his case is a voting that is as uninfluenced / unbiased as possible. We believe that his requirements for PollUnit should also be of interest to many of you. Therefore we want to share them with you:
»In many cases, comments are a useful means of interaction and exchange of ideas. However, in any poll or survey where you are trying to rate an image or an idea, it is counterproductive to let your audience see the comments from others before they make their choice. [...]
Any one who expresses an opinion or gives information (that may be false, intentionally or not) will affect the outcome of the poll. In judging images, if a previous comment states »This is the best image by far«, that will result in other members rating it higher. Most people want to be agreeable. More so if the person who made the first comment is identified and is considered skilled or popular.«
Michael O'Byrne
This is why we integrated the »Private comment« feature. Once private comments are activated only the content owner, the comment creator and the admin can see comments. If a content owner answers a comment, it will also be visible to the creator of the answered comment.
In the advanced step when using the poll maker you can check »Private comments« in the »Allow comments« section. As an admin you can change this setting at any time. For example you can make comments visible after the voting is complete.
When we asked Michael if we could quote him for this blogpost, he gave us something else along the way. We are very happy about that!
»You can also share with them my opinion that your customer support has been outstanding.«
Michael O'Byrne
Published at: 2022-10-25 09:41 AM
Voting with private commentsPlant trees with PollUnit
Today we are announcing a new feature that is very close to our hearts. Starting today: For every purchase made on PollUnit, we will plant trees with the help of Plant for the Planet.
Plant-for-the-Planet is a global movement to restore forest ecosystems to address the climate crisis and prevent biodiversity loss.
Approximately 8% of our gross sales go towards preserving and rebuilding forests around the world. So even with the renewal of any subscriptions, a portion goes into new trees. On our price list you will find the approximate number of trees we can plant per plan purchase. Why approximate? We calculate on a daily basis how many trees we can plant. This can be more on one day and less on another. For an overview of where and how many trees have already been planted by PollUnit, visit the PollUnit profile of Plant for the Planet.
Published at: 2022-08-24 08:13 AM
Plant trees with PollUnit
Tagging and grouping content

With the help of tags or labels, content can be provided with additional keywords. The so-called tagging ensures that information is easier to find and to link.
The new PollUnit tagging feature allows you to tag and filter various data types. This results in various use cases.
With the help of tags you can mark your PollUnits, i.e. votes, surveys etc. as templates. If you then filter by »templates«, only these PollUnits appear and you can clone and process them.
If you use a PollUnit idea collection as a tool for feature requests, administrators can tag received feature requests and assign them to a category. Participants can then more easily find whether there were similar requests before.
Published at: 2022-08-02 01:34 PM
Tagging and grouping contentCollect feature requests with progress indicator
With a PollUnit Idea Collection you can collect, manage, and prioritize feature requests. This ranked customer feedback helps you to make more informed product decisions and build better software, apps and websites.
To enable your customers to keep track of their feature requests we added progress states to each idea or request. Once you've collected enough votes, comments or your team decided that this feature improves your product and should be done you can change the state to »planned«. While developing this feature you switch the state to »In implementation« and finally to »done«. For requests that are not implemented there is the state »rejected«. In addition, you can specify a reason why the request will not be implemented.
This makes PollUnit your Feature Request Tool. But this is only where the decision making starts. For internal voting and evaluation, you can simply copy the collection of requests and pass it on to your team, e.g. as a vote. Or you create a questionnaire to find out more about individual feature requests.
Published at: 2022-07-19 07:41 PM
Collect feature requests wi...
Change the participations of others as admin

Our current Poll Maker update is aimed at the creators of a schedulings, votings and tables, who maintain close contact with their participants. Here it happens that the administrator should be able to change data or votes on behalf of the participants. E.g. a commitment to a certain date should be withdrawn, a date has become free or an information should be changed.
Of course, these details can or should be changed by the participants themselves. This is also intended in the standard case. In case of a loss of access data or in case of guest participations that cannot be reactivated, i.e. participations without an account and without access to the device of the participation, this can be helpful.
So that this function cannot be misused to manipulate voting results, these changes are recorded in the activity log, participants (if possible) are informed by e-mail and changed participations are marked with a warning. Furthermore, a participation can only be changed if it is visible to everyone. Votes and participations within anonymous polls or polls with hidden participants can not be changed. Thus nothing stands in the way of a club vote or similar.
Published at: 2022-06-28 11:45 AM
Change the participations o...Access management with Single Sign-On
Improve identity management in PollUnit with Single Sign-On (SSO). Restrict voting and access to employees of your company and prevent fraudulent multiple votes.
What is Single Sign-On?
SSO is an authentication method that enables users to securely authenticate with multiple applications and websites by using just one set of credentials.
Why using Single Sign-On?
Organizations often use SSO when an internal IT team assigns and manages users' applications and rights. The by SSO confirmed user identity is used to determine which permissions a user should have.
How does Single Sign-On help within PollUnit?
PollUnit allows to register with your Facebook or Google account. This way a user can sign up by a single click. You can also restrict voting to these external service providers. This is the point where it gets interesting for users looking for a poll maker with high security needs!
If you have the permission to manage your own PollUnit organizations you can connect your own SSO provider with PollUnit. This way you can restrict access to or allow voting only for members of your company.
Published at: 2022-06-21 01:37 PM
Access management with Sing...