Unable to remove categories
Philipp Großelfinger2
Can not remove votes in iphone safari
Markus Huber2
Markus Huber3
submit button
Markus Huber3
Photo Title and Image Number Bug in "Slide Show"
Philipp Großelfinger2
Mandatory fields for numbers in surveys
Philipp Großelfinger2
Upload fail
Markus Huber10
Impossible to duplicate a poll
Anthony Roche2
Evaluation by country not working
Philipp Großelfinger4
I do not have the option to embed my poll.
Philipp Großelfinger3
Full screen mode for image player not working on iOS device.
Markus Huber2
possible to vote twice despite vote based on invitation , and password not requested on smartphone
Philipp Großelfinger2
Not asking for emails of contestants and payment issues
Philipp Großelfinger4
Upload error
Philipp Großelfinger4
Voting page and photos can be viewed without an account when 'PollUnit account is required' is true
Steve Magness7
Dot voting - Evaluation page difficult to use
Markus Huber3
show function freezes the browser
Philipp Großelfinger3
Submission approval dashboard: "Submitted at" graph not ordered by date
Photo Contest - New entrant sees names of previous entrants
Philipp Großelfinger3
You can add one more image.
Philipp Großelfinger5
Bug in custom tags: all changed when editing just one
Dot voting: improve error message when reaching limit
'Guest' entered with 'PollUnit account required' photo contest
Philipp Großelfinger2
State Date, does not take into account local date.
Philipp Großelfinger7
Philipp Großelfinger2
Subtitle field when adding photos
Support User5
Sorting Photos after the contest is over.
Markus Huber3
Zero Dots Count in Dot Voting Photo Contest
Philipp Großelfinger2
Insisting that my voters create an account
Markus Huber8
Some photo comp images appear black with poll unit logo
Markus Huber2
Participant link showing add image and participant when right was removed in advanced settings
Philipp Großelfinger2
Transparent parts get turned black
Markus Huber5
Cannot delete poll created in Slack
Philipp Großelfinger2
Made a photo contest poll but the voting button is invisible
Philipp Großelfinger2
some typo errors detected...please check your site
Philipp Großelfinger4
Poll not accessible in Facebook mobile browser
Support User2
Payment Processing
Philipp Großelfinger4
You are not authorized to perform this action
Philipp Großelfinger2
Images in a vote different in public view versus admin
Philipp Großelfinger3
Pictures not loading in larger view
Philipp Großelfinger3
Mobile embed: requirement to login appears in the middle
Markus Huber4
iPhone 7 Safari - poll not working
Philipp Großelfinger5
Voting restriction by cookie is not functioning
Markus Huber2
Underscores inserted at beginning and end of description in Slack
Philipp Großelfinger2
The poll description in Slack should support Slack markup commands
Philipp Großelfinger1
White background: Arrow not visible
Deleted user3
Multiple accounts
PollUnit in Slack errors when changing vote to 0
Monica Arnon2