My subscription cancellation
Markus Huber10
cancel account
Markus Huber2
Multiple Votes
Philipp Großelfinger2
Entrprise account payment is not working
Markus Huber2
Upload a group of participants from an excel sheet
Markus Huber4
Administrator Rights on Subscription Purchased By Others
Markus Huber3
Payed for a Business account but I can't upload more than 20 photos to a Photo Contest.
paid votes
Markus Huber4
judging system photo contest with categories in different levels of
Markus Huber2
How do I set my poll so that people can vote more than once?
Philipp Großelfinger2
Can I restore a deleted Pole Unit?
Markus Huber3
Past polls disappeared
Markus Huber2
EMail details retrieval
Markus Huber6
Trying to Upgrade the account
Markus Huber7
After subscription ends
Markus Huber10
Upgraded Account Still Limiting Voters
Markus Huber5
Payment error
Philipp Großelfinger6
Chose Wrong Account Level
Markus Huber1
Vote number reached on upgraded account
Vote number reached.
Philipp Großelfinger2
PollUnit Pricing upgrading
Philipp Großelfinger2
Payment does not worked
Philipp Großelfinger2
I am struggling to share account with Participants
Philipp Großelfinger7
I haven't reached the participant limit but people can't vote
Markus Huber4
Choosing account level
Philipp Großelfinger4
contact participants individually
Philipp Großelfinger3
Downgrade to free account
Colin Baxter12
Will upgrading pricing level retroactively apply participant count to existing polls?
Markus Huber4
Admin account email address
Markus Huber2