Customize Email Invitation Link
Markus Huber2
changing deadline date
Markus Huber5
Difficulty using branching logics
Markus Huber4
How to show name
Markus Huber2
Fraud Bot
Markus Huber2
Contact details of contestants
Markus Huber2
payment photo
Philipp Großelfinger2
Cookies & Popups
Markus Huber3
Dot Voting in Survey
Lakshmi Balachandran2
Number of participants in poll reached
Markus Huber2
embedding on 2 different websites
Markus Huber2
Write-in voting text box
Philipp Großelfinger2
Subscription question
Markus Huber2
4 votes on the same page?
Markus Huber4
Delete Image
Markus Huber5
How long is an invitation link valid?
François-Pierre Lemer17
Is there a way to create a photo voting poll with custom fields and custom button text
Markus Huber4
Poll public, but voting private
Markus Huber2
Votes are not counting
Markus Huber5
Average Calculation, Customize Best Label text
Brett Beshey5
Video Contest
Philipp Großelfinger3
Why I can't pay with my credit card what is 3D Secure
Markus Huber2
How do invitation links work with the "invitation required" feature?
Markus Huber2
How to embed
Markus Huber4
"pollunit.com refused to connect" error on embedded poll on website.
Markus Huber4
Voting Cateogies
Markus Huber3
Sorting Photos
Darty Hines3
Vote on own photos is possible for not registered participants
Eddy Dens_24
Payed for Premium but I don't get access to it
Markus Huber3
How can we limit the participation at one vote per day
Gilles Boyer2
Can I create custom matrix options?
Markus Huber2
how much more files can i upload if i upgrade to premium ?
Markus Huber2
Philipp Großelfinger2
Participants details embedded in a photo
Markus Huber2
invitations envoyées mais non reçues
Markus Huber2
Can PollUnit Do Paid Contests With Discussion Comments?
Philipp Großelfinger2
mobile link not showing
Philipp Großelfinger2
Photo Scavenger Hunt
Markus Huber2
Votes supprimés
Philipp Großelfinger2
How can I get the results to match voters and votes? / Décompte votes
Markus Huber5
Deleting a Participant/Vote on a Dot poll
Jade Bloomfield8
Photo contest with slider or dot voting not showing the value
Markus Huber8
Photo contest voting on multiple grouped images
Philipp Großelfinger2
I don't understand the ranking after Pairwise poll
Markus Huber3
Photo contest where participant cannot vote for their own submission
Markus Huber8
Vote with 4 categories
Markus Huber8
Photo Contest download to pdf
Eddy Dens_23
Can’t upload new images
Philipp Großelfinger6