Entrants' names remain hidden after Poll closes
Philipp Großelfinger6
Display Winners of the Photo Contest
Philipp Großelfinger8
Poll Options Vertical Instead of Horizontal
Daamon Parker4
horizontal vs vertical style
Markus Huber2
Photo limit reached,, upgrade does not allow more pictures
Philipp Großelfinger2
Photo entries not visible?
Philipp Großelfinger5
How can I have photographers upload their own photos into a poll / photo contest? Do I send them a unique link?
Becky Nunes5
How to only allow ONE item to be voted on?
Markus Huber2
How to hide pictures from all participants?
Markus Huber2
Public View of results
Philipp Großelfinger2
How I can figure out the email address of my contest winners? They all just show "Anonymous"
Philipp Großelfinger2
Voting options
Markus Huber4
Is it possible to use animated gifs in a photo contest?
Philipp Großelfinger4
Archived photo contest? Close Poll Unit.
Markus Huber6
Controlling Text Formatting
Markus Huber4
Change to Dot voting from Yes/No
Philipp Großelfinger2
Edit Name of Photo
Philipp Großelfinger3
Is there an option for Duplicate contest or removing votes for previous?
Gorast Cvetkovski2
Is there a possibility for voting on galleries?
Markus Huber4
Preloading accounts
Philipp Großelfinger2
can you send a photo contest to someone after the initial launch
Philipp Großelfinger2
Can contestants submit their photos to be voted on?
Markus Huber13
Runnymede Art2
Cannot use the kill_background function
Markus Huber4
Allow only one participation + IP Security Check
Philipp Großelfinger2
Participants must enter their name
Philipp Großelfinger4
Background colour/font on slideshow
Runnymede Art2
Single select show Disable
Philipp Großelfinger4
Customize submission photo contest
Markus Huber2
Photo contest download voting results
Markus Huber2
trying to change email address I account
Markus Huber8
One Image with several options to vote on
Chuck Cumbow2
Photo Competition with Categories
Markus Huber11
I want to end my poll at midnight... (time zone)
Philipp Großelfinger2
Image orientation
Markus Huber3
And one final question.,.
Pete Axzon4
Markus Huber2
Participants Have to Register?
Markus Huber2
Philipp Großelfinger3
how can we share the contest through our own application?
Philipp Großelfinger2
Unable to find single select option
Philipp Großelfinger2
Change default button's name
Philipp Großelfinger3
Evalution/result of image voting
Mir Mubashir2
Access issue for participants - error message
Philipp Großelfinger3
How do I delete Pollunits that were sent to me?
Philipp Großelfinger2
Information of Voters
Markus Huber2
Download participants email and names?
Philipp Großelfinger2
How to delete BBQ theme?
Markus Huber2